
Sunday, May 2, 2010

With the help of Zen meditation, you can easily create a synergy that would further assist you in connecting to all aspects of your existence such as the body, the soul and the mind. The energy that’s required to strengthen the synergy that you have collected comes from practicing Zen meditation.When practicing Zen meditation, your mind will only be involved. You will not be engrossing your thoughts in to what happened in the past or what will happen in the future.You will reach a moment where you will only be reacting to what is happening to you at the present.Zen meditation is a technique that helps you to awaken your true nature. Here, you don’t need to subscribe any of the religious teaching. You just need to realize that there is a ‘Buddha’ inside you. Awaken the Buddha inside you and you will be able get a deep insight of yourself.Zen meditation was actually meant to awaken the real person inside you.A) Here are some of the benefits followed in Zen meditation:1. Zen meditation lets the practitioner to relax2. It helps you to keep one stress free.3. It helps you to find the real you.B) Nine steps to achieve Zen meditation:a) Name your breaths: for instance; in and out.b) Pay close attention to when your breath gets deep and you feel more at peace.c) Think of your body when you breathe in and when you breathe out try to relax each part of your body. You need to focus on one part at a time. Initiate with the shoulders.d) Calm your body parts when you breathe in feel the compassion when you breathe out.e) Relax your facial muscles one by one and send a half smile to all parts of the body.f) Relax all the muscles that are still tense.g) Think of joy when you breathe in.h) Get back to your breathe in and breathe out position.i) Sit in the position relax.

Zen Meditation: An Unique Form of Meditation

Zen meditation is a Japanese technique of focusing on a specific thing or thought. The tradition has been passing on from one generation to the other for almost many centuries now. Buddhists used to practice this unique type of meditation. In fact, Zen Buddhists are often referred to as ‘Meditation Buddhists’. The amount of time devoted by Zen mediators varies widely. Experts recommend a minimum period of about five minutes on a daily basis. This is sufficient for householders to benefit from the immense benefits of Zen meditation. The main thing one needs to focus on is daily practice. Daily practice of Zen meditation for a small period of time is more than enough to benefit from its effects than spending about half an hour once in a week.Zen meditation has evolved as a boon to people across the globe who are really stressed out due to the irregularity, chaos and tensions existing in their daily life.Zen meditation involves sitting in a prescribed position, closing your mind to the thoughts and images for a certain period of time. Here, your heart rate will gradually decrease and breathing becomes shallow. Slowly, you will get in to a state of deep reflective meditation.
When starting with your daily meditation routine, you need to be relaxed and calm. Follow the steps mentioned below:a) Step one:Set aside a specific corner in one of your rooms.b) Step two:Stock this corner with anything you wish. It can be candles, cushions, a CD player, incense or even guidance CDs. You may choose to use whatever tool you desire.c) Step three:Once you have created your sacred space, start using it as mentioned in the steps below.d) Step four:Set aside a few minutes on a daily basis and start working on getting aware of your breathing as well as full body. Don’t focus on how long you meditate. Just cultivate a habit of performing it daily.e) Step five:Remember that the effects of daily meditation are cumulative. Hence, focusing on five minutes daily is better than a longer period of twenty minutes once in a week.f) Step six:There will reach a time when you won’t require any accessories to focus on. All you require would be a sacred, quite and pleasant environment to get started. This indicates that you have succeeded.There is no specific time period that’s ideal for practicing daily meditation.Short but regular daily meditation sessions will prove to be extremely beneficial for you. Gradually increase the time period of daily meditation.If you are looking for immense benefits from daily meditation, follow all the steps mentioned above and you will find yourself lucky.

Daily Meditation – Establish a Practice

Have you ever given importance to meditating on a daily basis? If not, it is time that you start doing so. Daily meditation will surely help you to obtain the kind of results you want to.Here, you need to understand what daily meditation is all about and the benefits you would be enjoying while practicing daily meditation.First comes to the process of understanding daily meditation. This is a type of meditation that one practices on a daily basis without fail. Most people consider practicing this type of meditation daily at the same time and for the same time period. Experts feel that this is the best way to obtain the best out of daily meditation.Here, an individual is supposed to provide his undivided attention to a particular thing or subject for a specific period of time daily, without fail.There are several benefits that you can enjoy when practicing daily meditation. Here is a list of some of the benefits you would be enjoying:A) Benefits of daily meditationa) Enhanced personal power and creativity b) Enhanced ability to bring out the bestc) Increased sense of wellbeing and increased sense of purposed) Relief from stress and relief from tensionse) Enhanced intelligence, ability to think clearly and making good decisions with easef) Flow of positive energyg) Increased memory h) Enhanced communication skills and clarity in speechB) How to get started
c) Chakra meditation:Charka meditation refers to a simple way for neophytes to explore the charkas via self help. This helps in providing a sense of awakening in them gently. This is done in a balanced integrated manner. You can perform it either sitting or lying. You need to close your eyes, adjust your body and clothing. Let your breath relax, slow and then deepen. Do not make an attempt to control it. Once you are settled down, begin with Ujjayi pranayam and do this for sometime. Bring awareness towards the spinal passage. Do it for a few minutes. Ascend with inhalation and descend with exhalation. Try to locate charkas within that channel. Don’t locate the exact location. Only focus in general area. Feel the location of these charkas and repeat its name mentally as you pass by it. You need to mentally repeat from Mooldhara to Ajna and then reverse the order. Prior to finishing, let go of breath sound and then names. Now, chant mantra ‘Om’ for about three times.
One needs to follow an important rule when selecting a mantra. According to this rule, one must choose a mantra that appeals to the mind fully when spoken verbally. When chanting mantra, powerful vibrations are created. These are said to be directed to the appropriate ‘Chakras’ in order to attract certain divine forces. This technique works towards healing the physical, spiritual and psychological body of the practitioner. One must fully enjoy the rhythm of the mantra when it is chanted. It is also necessary to surrender oneself to the whole experience. b) Steady gaze or Trataka:This is a simple but very beautiful technique of meditation. You need to use a regular candle for this technique. Some people prefer using other objects of their choice. You should set up the candle at an arm’s length. It should be placed in level with eyes. Perform steady gazing with eyes open first. After a while, you can close your eyes and gaze at the after image of the flame. This should be gazed at the eye brow center. Do not move through out the practice. Now, relax your breath and lengthen and deepen it. Repeat the process for sometime.

Meditation – Techniques to Learn

When it comes to learning meditation, one requires to learn several important techniques in order to achieve success and obtain maximum benefits. Remember that effective meditation includes a lot of techniques.The techniques of meditation vary from one culture to other. However, the art of meditation is one. It is universal. These techniques have been developed to suit different personalities.You would find that certain techniques demand concentration, focus and attention. There are also other techniques that are expansive. ‘Vipassana’ form of meditation is such a technique. It allows one to enjoy free flow of thoughts in conjunction with observation.Here are some of the most common techniques used in:a) Mantra meditation:A mantra can be defined as a grouping of different sound vibrations that have an effect on the physical as well as mental consciousness. Traditionally, these are given to a student by a Teacher or ‘Guru’. However, in the absence of a Guru, the practitioner or the student can opt for his own mantra.
Here are some of the great benefits you can enjoy if you meditate regularly:a) You would be able to achieve a positive and charged up attitude towards everything around you. People around you will see you as a transformed person and even see the benefits of your meditating sessions.b) You can make good decisions easily. You will see a great enhancement in your creativity.c) Meditation will make it easier for you to manage your daily challenges.d) The degree of self acceptance increases with meditation. Meditation has the power to enhance your social acceptance.e) The chaos of stress seems to be in perfect order when you meditate regularly. You can enjoy a stress free life.f) One tends to achieve enhanced clarity on practicing meditation on a daily basis.g) You will feel close to the almighty.h) You will see a great improvement in your health.i) You will soon realize that you have answers to all the questions that hit your mind.Meditation has a lot of benefits on the individual who practices it seriously and believe in it’s power. No wonder, thousands of people are meditating on a daily basis.There are several other reasons why you must adopt the path of meditation in order to achieve happiness and keep stress at bay.First, it is safe. It will not put any adverse effect on your health. Second, it is affordable. You need to spend so much money on practicing meditation.Meditation teaches you the art of self decision and to love life. Learn meditation and you would be able to meet your true self. It will also teach you focus and problem solving tricks.

Meditation – Immense Benefits to Enjoy

Meditation can be referred to as the science of paying utmost attention to a particular object that would help you to know the finer aspects of yourself that you were unaware of in the past.The art of meditation was introduced into this world by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi during the sixties. During this period, he taught ‘The Beatles’ to meditate transcendentally.The basic skill one requires in order to learn the technique of meditation is learning to focus, compress and condense your awareness. This further helps in making you totally focused on the topic you want to meditate on.Once your total being gets absorbed in meditation, all the stress and strain you experience in your daily life will slip away from your shoulders. Within a few minutes, you would feel physically as well as mentally refreshed and rested. The person who meditates will ultimately realize that all the different activities of the mind are diminished in to a simple activity.Now, this is the instant benefit you achieve when you have meditated. However, you would not be able to see the deeper changes in you too soon via using the above mentioned meditation process. However, if you exercise patience and keep meditating the same way on a daily basis, you would definitely see a positive transformation in your overall mental health and certain other areas you are looking for the improvement to happen.
B) Here are certain skills that you would make meditation worth performing:1. Meditation helps you to use your mind and body in order to produce a relaxation response.2. You can easily be able to develop a breath awareness and deep diaphragmatic breathing process.3. You would also be able to perform preparatory breathing and physical exercises.4. Meditation helps you to maintain a concentration session for about thirty minutes.C) Joining a meditation course does not come without some great benefits. These benefits may change you in to a different personality totally. Here are some of the benefits you may enjoy when practicing meditation.a) Stress managementYou cannot focus with a stressful mind. Hence, it is very necessary for you to practice mind and body exercises. This will facilitate you to elicit relaxation.b) Maintenance of healthYou would be able to maintain health via doing meditation. Breathing and physical exercises help you to focus in health maintenance for the practitioner.c) Relationship managementMeditation enhances reflection that in turn helps in sorting the trivial from the most important part in human relationship.d) Ethical life stylesMeditation lets you discover as well as understand the unity that lies within all individuals. It also helps in celebrating certain differences with the help of unity. e) Life perspectives developmentReflective meditation helps in developing enlightened perspectives related to life and materialism. It successfully removes almost all dilemmas that pulls you apart and solves certain issues of life.Anyone can take the meditation course irrespective of this age, sex religion, education or caste. This course will help you a lot in keeping away from stress and other complications in life.

Meditation Course: Learn the Art of Better Living

Human beings are blessed with the best of capacity when it comes to solve certain ordinary problems they usually face in their daily life. However, when it comes to certain complex issues, one requires to use special skills. You need to make special efforts when solving certain complex issues.Meditation helps in resolving these complex issues that needs special attention. It really works because you would find hidden treasure in the core of yourself. The technique of meditation helps in accessing this treasure. The technique of meditation is also known as contemplation. Here, one tends to still the mind and free it from the usually distraction of life. It also helps in relaxing one from the usual tension faced by an individual. This type of technique enables your mind to concentrate on an object of intense love, concern or interest. It results in allowing a person to understand at an intellectual level and thereafter, in an intimate level of intuition. A) Enrolling in to a meditation course will let you learn a lot of things including the following:1. The underlying psychology2. The underlying philosophy3. The underlying metaphysics4. World wide view of the leading practitioners of meditation5. Different transformative effects of meditation6. The primary role of preparatory exercises and relaxation7. Obstacles that you need to overcome as the meditation technique progresses.8. A deep and combined understanding of major meditative tradition9. Various internal states as the technique of meditation progresses